All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 747 in total

Book club insights from Donald Robertson

Finish the year thinking about this speech

I often listen to this speech to re-think my values and where I'm heading. Give it a listen and try and think about it for the next few weeks before we go into 2025 wi...

Body neutrality & panic over weight

The wisdom of talking to yourself

Consistent 40% vs 80% of the time

Menopause impact on the body

How to get motivated?

Environment or Genes for our weight?

What happens if you water fast for 7 days?

FAQs on Fat Loss

Cravings and Loneliness

How to deal with emotions

Does starvation mode exist?

The power of an extra 1000 steps a day

Does your metabolism slow with age?

Getting weaker as you age? Listen to this

Fat loss hacks don't work!

Genetics & Exercise

10 lessons from Stoicism

how can you increase your maintenance?

Studies on stress, eating & goals

What is the lifestyle cost?

Is self control genetic?

is self control genetic? Why do poor people perform worse on cognitive tasks than richer people? How does this play a role in our day to day health?

How dangerous is yoyo dieting?

Study: "The drive for thinness"

Please focus on what matters!

Have you hit a plateau? What to do?

Severe calorie deficit: the results

What's the best workout? It's good news

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